Workshops & Education

Celebration, Education & Devotion

Empower yourself to step into pregnancy, birth & parenthood with confidence.

Holistic Pregnancy & Birth Celebration Workshop

This unique Prenatal Class is like nothing else in Calgary.
This is not your traditional birth preparation class where you sit and listen and then go home – although will talk about that too
You are present. You participate. You expand. You absorb.You reflect. You radiate.
3 hours of:
❤️ self love & appreciation
❤️intuitive practises
Utilising tools of yoga, art, music, dance, fear release, fun & relaxation you’ll leave feeling more full than ever before (aside from a growing belly of course)
Bring your date: yourself, partner, companion or support person with you and find a deeper connection to them and to yourself.
Prenatal Class is designed to nourish, nurture and fulfil
Learn how to love yourself, your body, your baby and your Bestie
sound right up your alley? Then don’t delay and register your spot as spaces are limited.
Think this sounds totally cuckoo crazy? Come and join anyway and allow yourself to experience something new.
salt bowl ceremony

Mother Blessings

Baby showers are great, especially if you in need of “gear”

but what about YOU –  the person growing and nurturing that tiny baby…where is your gift?

Welcome to Mother Blessings.  These deeply nourishing events have been organised for millennia by the womenfolk of the Village to help celebrate, recognise and honour the transformation thus far and the transition ahead.

Gathering with your closest Sisterhood, we sit in cercle; share wisdom; bring laughter & joy; fill your dining table and your freezer, leaving you with a basketful of nourishment, nurturing & networks as you walk through your Rite of Passage into Motherhood

Circles can be fully curated and lead by myself, or I can cultivate a circle for you and your chosen ones to follow.